Stichting Katholieke Universiteit – Radboud University Medical Centre

The Radboud University Medical Centre (RUMC) support the consortium leading the pharmacokinetic sub-studies to assess the drug interactions of antiretrovirals and the tuberculosis treatment and to understand rates of efficacy and toxicity of empirical valganciclovir treatment in infants”. They have conducted many other PK studies with antiretroviral agents in African countries (i.a. CHAPAS1-4 and Odyssey).

About RUMC
The Radboud University Medical Centre (RUMC), and its Pharmacology of antiviral drugs group, is one of the leading centres in pharmacokinetics (PK) studies focus in treatment of HIV in special patient population such as children. The department of Pharmacy of the RUMC is located in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Their main focus is on clinical pharmacology of antimicrobial agents (HIV, TB, antifungal agents and HCV) within the RUMC research group Infectious diseases and global health.

Stichting Katholieke Universiteit – Radboud University Medical Centre


DAVID BURGERPrincipal Investigator
David Burger is the principal investigator (PI) of EMPIRICAL at the RUMC. He is a hospital pharmacists and clinical pharmacologist and has been appointed as a Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at the Radboud University Nijmegen in April 2011. Currently, he leads the research group focussing on clinical pharmacology of antimicrobial agents.
Tom Jacobs is a PhD student at the Radboudumc. In August 2018, he graduated from his Master in Pharmacy at the Utrecht University and he worked at a pharmaceutical policy research group for a short period. EMPIRICAL will be his main project during his PhD.
ANGELA COLBERSCo-Principal Investigator
Angela Colbers is co-PI of EMPIRICAL at the RUMC. She is also the project coordinator of the internationally well-established PANNA network studying pharmacokinetics of antiretrovirals in pregnancy in Europe. Before that, she worked as project manager of clinical trials at several companies.

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