Universidade Eduardo Mondlane/Hospital Central de Maputo (UEM/HCM)

The Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) and their linked health facility the Hospital Central de Maputo (HCM) perform the clinical trial in Maputo, Mozambique.

HCM is the main referral hospital for the entire country and the principal teaching hospital, giving medical attention in one of the areas with higher HIV prevalence in Southern Africa. HCM will act as referral hospital for Manhiça District Hospital (the health facility linked to CISM) in case necessary.

About the Hospital Central de Maputo (HCM)
It is the main referral hospital in Mozambique and the principal teaching hospital in the country. HCM serves a diverse patient population including both urban and rural residents of Southern Mozambique, where HIV prevalence exceeds 20% at many sentinel Antenatal Care sites. Patients will be recruited from the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and the Lactantes ward. The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) has an academic partnership that supports training and education within the Department of Pediatrics.

About the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, School of Medicine (UEM)
It is the principal medical school in Mozambique, founded in 1962. In addition to the MD program, there are four Masters and one PhD program. The UEM School of Medicine has a Scientific Council, Institutional Ethical Review Board, 6 Laboratories, 3 research support unit and 2 extension units. It is co-located on the same campus as HCM.




JAHIT SACARLALPrincipal Investigator
Jahit Sacarlal is head of Microbiology Department at Faculty of Medicine, at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, in Maputo. He is also Associate Professor and Specialist in Public Health. He received his MD from UEM, MPH from Pompeu Fabra University and PhD from the Barcelona University.
Alfeu Passanduca is HCM/UEM Study Coordinator. He works as a general practitioner, at the department of microbiology, and has experience in HIV treatment and care.
W CHRIS BUCK Co-Principal Investigator
W. Chris Buck, MD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA and Director of the UCLA-Mozambique Academic Partnership. Over his career as a pediatrician, Dr. Buck has developed comprehensive clinical and public health HIV experience along the continuum of pediatric care from PMTCT to antiretroviral treatment and management of comorbidities including TB.

See others


Servicio Madrileño de Salud (SERMAS) / Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (FI+12)

Université de Bordeaux (UBx)

Université de Bordeaux (UBx)


Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)

Fondazione Penta Onlus (PENTA)

Fondazione Penta Onlus

Fondazione Penta Onlus (PENTA)

Stichting Katholieke Universiteit – Radboud University Medical Centre


Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

University of Lincoln (UoL)

University of Lincoln (UoL)

Programme PAC–CI

Programme PAC–CI

LSTM logo

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine/Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (LSTM/MLW)


Fundaçao Manhiça/Manhiça Research Center (FM/CISM)

Makerere University

Makerere University (MU)


HerpeZ Limited (HerpeZ)


University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Centre (UZCHS-CTRC)