Université de Bordeaux (UBx)

The University of Bordeaux is a public scientific, cultural and professional institution. It welcomes 56,000 students and nearly 6,000 staff members. The University of Bordeaux is ranked among the top French universities for the quality of its education and research.

A leading international research university, the University of Bordeaux promotes the development of training, research and knowledge transfer within its numerous clusters of excellence: neuroscience, medical imaging, environment/climate, advanced materials, archaeology, lasers/optics, digital certification, health and society and cardiology. Each year, the University of Bordeaux welcomes and supports over 800 international researchers.

The Infectious Diseases in Low Income Countries (IDLIC) team was created in 1994. It conducts clinical research, epidemiological and public health research, community-based research in humanitarian settings, as well as social sciences research. Its main research area has been HIV-infection and associated diseases. It has developed research in other fields of infectious diseases (tuberculosis, viral hepatitis B and C, viral haemorrhagic fevers), as well as non-communicable diseases.

It is a multi-disciplinary team, composed mainly of clinicians, medical epidemiologists, biostatisticians, social scientists, IT specialists, clinical research assistants, and data managers. IDLIC has built a very strong relationship with the PAC-CI research programme in Côte d’Ivoire (ANRS research site in Côte d’Ivoire), and has been jointly labelled “Laboratoire International Associé” by Inserm and University of Bordeaux. Part of the team is based in Abidjan. In Bordeaux, the team is currently composed of 21 researchers, 13 technicians/engineers and 12 doctoral/post-doctoral students.

Infectious diseases in lower-income countries – IDLIC



OLIVIER MARCYPrincipal Investigator
Dr Olivier Marcy is a clinical epidemiologist and researcher at the Bordeaux Population Health Research Centre (Inserm U1219), the University of Bordeaux, France. He has been involved as a clinician, a program coordinator, and a researcher on clinical and research work on TB-HIV co-infection in adults and children.

Among others experiences, he has worked in Republic of Congo for three years as medical coordinator for the French Red Cross HIV programs. He also worked in Cambodia for seven years, including clinical and research work in the National Paediatric Hospital on managing children with HIV-infection and/or tuberculosis.

He is the coordinating investigator of the TB-Speed (Unitaid/5% initiative) project: www.tb-speed.com

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Servicio Madrileño de Salud (SERMAS) / Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (FI+12)


Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)

Fondazione Penta Onlus (PENTA)

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Programme PAC–CI

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